Homeless Liaison
Homeless residents within the Williamsburg Independent School District are served by our Title I Homeless Liaison. Our liaison works as the primary contact between homeless families and school staff, district personnel, shelter workers, and other service providers. Our liaison coordinates services to ensure that homeless children and youth enroll in school and have the opportunity to succeed academically. Mr. Patrick Robinson serves as Williamsburg Independent School District’s Homeless Liaison. You may contact Mr. Robinson at 606-549-6044 or by email at patrick.robinson@wburg.kyschools.us

Foster Care Point of Contact
In order to enhance collaboration at the community level, the Williamsburg Independent School District has identified a Foster Care Point of Contact to work with appropriate local and state agencies. These local and state agencies should communicate with our Foster Care Point of Contact, Mrs. Crystal Rains. Mrs. Rains can be contacted by phone at 606-549-6044 and via email at crystal.rains@wburg.kyschools.us

Testing Transparency

Williamsburg Independent School District follows the guidance and guidelines of the Kentucky Department of Education, Kentucky Revised Statutes, and Kentucky Administrative Regulation concerning mandated state and federal accountability testing.  Please contact Loren Connell at 606-549-6044 if you have any questions regarding the district's participation in state and federal accountability testing.